Fashion Tips #1
Every man and woman, teen and child have to work hard in order to be happy. everyone has to eat clean and workout to be healthy and look good. They have to look better than every one in clothing, wearing the best jewelry, loose/gain weight and look perfect. So we listed some of the best Fashion tips for you all. You can follow the fashion tips without any hesitation, because you’ll get the desired result.
All of these tips are discussed by experts before being delivered to you. We published through all of the stylish bits of advice on this site for our honorable readers. We can’t take any risks about the anyone’s appearance, so don’t feel any dangour before using the following fashion tips. After long discussions, fashion tips are not only important for fashion lovers, but also for everyone else.
First off all cleanup your wardrobe, put out all the old fashioned dresses and all the other accessories. Then make a space for new items and accessories.
Before Buying Clothes or dresses
First off all, measure your body. You have to remember all the measurements of your body or write them down, so you won’t forget them. This will help you when you have to buy the dress at emergency base and have no time for stitching the dress. Whenever you face this problem, just go to the outfits shop, choose the dress and check it. It is the best way to choose the dress.

Don’t Choose to many tight or loose dresses
Always keep one main important point in mind: never buy too many loose or tight dresses. It will affect your body by missshaping it.

Is this Dress Comfortable or Not?
When you are trying on the dress, also walk and check if the dress is comfortable or not. Some of the dresses look comfortable by their appearance but in the reality, they are not comfortable at all. They can be too tight, the material might be stiff and not stretchy at all or other times it can be very itchy.

Worried About Your Wrists Or Hips.
If you are always worried about the prominent wrist or hips, just keep in mind that in this situation you must buy the dress that is loose from these specific parts of the body and emphasize other aspects. In these type of dresses, you will fell more relaxed and not self-conscious.

Relaxing and Comfortable Shoes
Whenever you buy shoes, walk a few steps and check if they are light for you or not. You don’t always have to buy the shoes that are shockingly stylish by their look. Comfortableness is also important. Remember that you can be fashionable, stylish and comfortable all at the same time. You just have to choose the right pair of shoes.

Don’t Forget Your Color Complexion
If you want to look good, no matter the season, be careful what colors you choose to wear. If you are fair skinned, stay away from nude, beige, light brown, light yellow. People with darker complexion are lucky because every color looks good on them. Both light and dark skinned people should wear bright/bold colors any season, because it makes their skin look more healthy and they will look and be happier.

Last and most important
Don’t dress above or below from your age. Age is an important factor while you do any shopping. There are no strict rules, you can anything you like, but please, don’t make it look trashy or don’t make yourself look like a fool. Buy all the accessories that match to your age and your look. Here are a few examples:

Source: Pinterest